Readme - SpeechMagic 6.1

Philips SpeechMagic 6.1 Release candidate 2, Build 543 (3/2007)

All information in the Readme file is "last minute" and overrules information in other SpeechMagic documentation.


  1. Scope of this release

  2. Installation

  3. Known problems

  4. Additional information

1. Scope of this release

This Release Candidate 2 of SpeechMagic 6.1 is targeted as a production preview. It is intended for use in production environments on dedicated test sites.

Please report your feedback to

Supported functionality:

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2. Installation


For instructions on how to install this release, see the SpeechMagic Installation Online Help provided (sminst.chm).

SpeechMagic InterActive

The setup for InterActive for SpeechMagic 6.1 has been changed. This means that it may be necessary to undertake specific steps when upgrading from all previous versions of InterActive. These steps apply to InterActive installations on SpeechMagic Workstations and to stand-alone InterActive installations. [PSP00034952, PSP00034130]

To upgrade to InterActive for SpeechMagic 6.1, do the following:

  1. Uninstall all InterActive installations. This can be done either via SpeechMagic Workstation Maintenance or by uninstalling InterActive manually.

  2. Install InterActive for SpeechMagic 6.1.

If, during the installation procedure, a message is displayed warning that an old version of InterActive still exists on the PC, do the following:

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3. Known problems

Numbers in brackets refer to internal error IDs.


The data exchange format is not yet final. This means that data exported from a SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 system with the Release Candidate 2 Upgrade tool will not be useable for import into the up-coming SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release.

Workaround: Do not delete your original SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 installation. It can be re-used for exporting data once SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release is available.

Note: This is not considered an important scenario as the Upgrade tools delivered with Release Candidate 2 are good enough for upgrading. Additionally, upgrading from Release Candidate 2 to the Commercial Release will be possible.

Workaround: Restart the corresponding PC prior to starting SpeechMagic Workstation Setup. [PSP00032511], [PSP00033168]

InterActive MSI-based setup

To ensure that locked files are replaced with the latest version, after the PC is restarted, the SDK setup must be started using the following command line parameter:

msiexec /i "SpeechMagic InterActiveSDK.msi" /REINSTALL=ALL /REINSTALLMODE=vamus

Note: This issue only applies to InterActive SDK and is only relevant for developers.


Workaround: Make sure that there is enough free disk space available.

SpeechMagic applications

SpeechMagic System Tasks

Workaround: Reset the dictation status, via the SpeechMagic Database Recovery tool (SmDbRcvr.exe), to PURGE_PENDING. Alternatively (if the dictation data is vital), re-queue the dictation. Sound retrieval can be done via the SMAPI function SMGetSoundFile. [PSP00032605], [PSP00032605]

ConText Adaptation

SDK related

Correction SDK

Driver related


For more information, see: [PSP00028948]

Workaround: Disconnect and reconnect the SpeechMike.

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4. Additional information

ActiveX controls

msjava.dll is necessary to work with ActiveX controls in Visual Basic. If you have any problems with ActiveX controls in Visual Basic check if msjava.dll is present on your operating system. Note: msjava.dll is normally distributed with Microsoft Internet Explorer. [PSP00027152]

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Philips Speech Recognition Systems