Readme - SpeechMagic 6.1
Philips SpeechMagic 6.1 Release candidate 2, Build 543 (3/2007)
All information in the Readme file is "last minute" and overrules information in other SpeechMagic documentation.
This Release Candidate 2 of SpeechMagic 6.1 is targeted as a production preview. It is intended for use in production environments on dedicated test sites.
Please report your feedback to
Supported functionality:
This SpeechMagic release is feature complete except for Microsoft Vista and Office 2007 support.
Coming from a SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 domain, recompiling the partner integration is mandatory due to API changes.
Coming from a SpeechMagic 6.1 Release Candidate 1 domain, recompiling the partner integration is not mandatory.
The InterActive version delivered with this package contains additional functionality. To use this an integration change is necessary.
Upgrading from Release Candidate 1 to Release Candidate 2 is supported. Use SpeechMagic Server Setup, on the SpeechMagic CD, to install over Release Candidate 1.
Upgrading from a 6.1 Pre-release version to Release Candidate 2 is not supported. You must uninstall the Pre-release version before you can install Release Candidate 2.
Upgrading from SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 to Release Candidate 2 is possible via the SpeechMagic Upgrade tools. These are available in the Tools folder on the SpeechMagic CD.
For instructions on how to install this release, see the SpeechMagic Installation Online Help provided (sminst.chm).
SpeechMagic InterActive
The setup for InterActive for SpeechMagic 6.1 has been changed. This means that it may be necessary to undertake specific steps when upgrading from all previous versions of InterActive. These steps apply to InterActive installations on SpeechMagic Workstations and to stand-alone InterActive installations. [PSP00034952, PSP00034130]
To upgrade to InterActive for SpeechMagic 6.1, do the following:
Uninstall all InterActive installations. This can be done either via SpeechMagic Workstation Maintenance or by uninstalling InterActive manually.
Install InterActive for SpeechMagic 6.1.
If, during the installation procedure, a message is displayed warning that an old version of InterActive still exists on the PC, do the following:
Delete all SpeechMagic InterActive binaries from the PC (by default on the C drive): Program Files\SpeechMagic\InterActive
Browse for the following folder (by default on the C drive): Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information and delete the subfolder: {f3ec876e-8420-48b2-bc0c-d6adfe012b8f}
Delete the following InterActive keys from the Registry Editor: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Philips Speech\InterActive
Numbers in brackets refer to internal error IDs.
Upgrading from SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 via the Upgrade tools (SmUpgrade_Step1_ExportFrom_V5.1SR1_SP4.exe and SmUpgrade_Step2_ImportInto_V6.1_RC2.exe):
The data exchange format is not yet final. This means that data exported from a SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 system with the Release Candidate 2 Upgrade tool will not be useable for import into the up-coming SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release.
Workaround: Do not delete your original SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 installation. It can be re-used for exporting data once SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release is available.
Note: This is not considered an important scenario as the Upgrade tools delivered with Release Candidate 2 are good enough for upgrading. Additionally, upgrading from Release Candidate 2 to the Commercial Release will be possible.
Upgrading from SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 via the Upgrade tools: SmUpgrade_Step1_ExportFrom_V5.1SR1_SP4.exe might refuse to start. If this occurs, please make sure that there are no task locks left-over in the SpeechMagic 5.1 SR1 system. [PSP00032878]
SpeechMagic Workstation Setup might report problems if used to modify and/or re-install SpeechMagic.
Workaround: Restart the corresponding PC prior to starting SpeechMagic Workstation Setup. [PSP00032511], [PSP00033168]
Microsoft Windows Vista: This operating system is not yet supported as a target platform. This operating system will be supported in the up-coming SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release. [PSP00031447]
Microsoft Office 2007: This is not yet supported by SpeechMagic Correction Editor, Dictation Editor and InterActive. This office version will be supported in the up-coming SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release. [PSP00032323]
InterActive MSI-based setup
When upgrading or repairing any new MSI-based setup, locked files are not automatically replaced (for example, the T_IATestAppl2.exe is running) if, during setup, any displayed warning is confirmed with 'ignore'. [PSP00034952, PSP00034130]
To ensure that locked files are replaced with the latest version, after the PC is restarted, the SDK setup must be started using the following command line parameter:
msiexec /i "SpeechMagic InterActiveSDK.msi" /REINSTALL=ALL /REINSTALLMODE=vamus
Note: This issue only applies to InterActive SDK and is only relevant for developers.
Language Packages for SpeechMagic 6.1 are not yet final because acoustic models will be further tuned with field data. Please check the PSRS Partner Web regularly to find out if a newer Language Package is available.
ConTextPro is currently not shipped on the SpeechMagic CD. If you need ConTextPro for a field test installation please contact PSRS Professional Services.
Logging of SpeechMagic modules is not yet final. This means that too many log files are generated. Log content might contain too many details, false warnings, etc. [PSP00027283], [PSP00030808]
The tool for checking system consistency is currently not available. A replacement for SmAutoDB.exe will be delivered with SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release. [PSP00020278]
Reaction to low disk space scenarios is not yet final. This means that if, during operation, a low disk space scenario is encountered the behavior of SpeechMagic applications will not be consistent.
Workaround: Make sure that there is enough free disk space available.
SpeechMagic applications
User Interface: SpeechMagic localization still contains minor glitches. There are minor translation issues, some UI parts might not be fully visible, tab order might be incorrect and shortcuts might be conflicting. [PSP00033155], [PSP00033154]
SpeechMagic applications reaction when encountering task locks is not yet final. Unhelpful messages might be displayed and/or log files contain information details about conflicting applications. [PSP00028334], [PSP00025737], [PSP00032800]
SpeechMagic System Tasks
Stability: In rare cases SpeechMagic System Tasks might fail. The SpeechMagic log folder will show the corresponding traces. This will be transparent to partner integrations because the SpeechMagic built-in fail-over mechanism compensates for such issues. If a SpeechMagic System Tasks fails, it is restarted automatically. The frequency of restarts has been decreased compared to Release Candidate 1. [PSP00032847], [PSP00032305], [PSP00033096], [PSP00031681]
Stability: In rare cases, on the Recognition System Task the recognition/correction document can be corrupt or empty.
Workaround: Reset the dictation status, via the SpeechMagic Database Recovery tool (SmDbRcvr.exe), to PURGE_PENDING. Alternatively (if the dictation data is vital), re-queue the dictation. Sound retrieval can be done via the SMAPI function SMGetSoundFile. [PSP00032605], [PSP00032605]
ConText Adaptation
ConText Adaptation System Task: Changes done to ConTexts are only saved back to disk periodically. If the ConText Adaptation System Task is unassigned or re-assigned before the changes are saved data will be lost. Before any assignment changes, the System Task must be given time to save data back to disk. This is especially vital after performing ConText merges or ConText Adaptation sessions affecting many words. The Current waiting interval must be at least 7 hours. This design flaw will be corrected in the up-coming SpeechMagic 6.1 Commercial Release. [PSP00032650]
ConText Adaptation (SmConada.exe): Progress is given when loading unknown words from the SpeechMagic Database. If the unknown word count is low (less than 1,000 database entries) the progress dialog box is only displayed for a very short time and therefore is not readable. [PSP00032468]
ConText Adaptation (SmConada.exe): Changes to unknown word and unknown grammar item thresholds and/or the display font do not take immediate effect. The module must be shut down and restarted before any changes take effect. [PSP00032548], [PSP00032612]
ConText Adaptation (SmConada.exe): Unknown words resulting from supervised ConText merge operations are not visible if the default threshold setting is used. To allow handling of unknown words resulting from merge operations the threshold must be set to 1. [PSP00032690]
SDK related
The SmQueuer sample delivered on the CD (SDK\Bin folder) is known to have issues if newly introduced input channels are used. [PSP00013019]
For InterActive related issues, see the InterActive SDK documentation in the SpeechMagic SDK Online Help on the CD.
Correction SDK
If the Correction SDK is used ConText Adaptation currently does not handle redundant speech correctly. This means that, in rare cases, redundant speech not yet known to SpeechMagic cannot be added in ConText Adaptation sessions. [PSP00030839]
Driver related
When using a serial SpeechMike, the mouse trackball and buttons no longer function properly with the Fast User Switch functionality of Microsoft Windows XP and later. The Fast User Switch functionality of these operating systems is not fully compatible with serial SpeechMikes.
Use a USB SpeechMike instead of a serial SpeechMike.
Do not use the Fast User Switch functionality of Windows XP; instead, each user should completely log off and log back on.
For more information, see: [PSP00028948]
After the restarting PCs which have Windows Vista or Windows XP installed, the SpeechMike Pro USB may not work. This affects the SpeechMike Pro audio device. The result is that nothing happens during the playback or recording of sound files. [PSP00034825]
Workaround: Disconnect and reconnect the SpeechMike.
ActiveX controls
msjava.dll is necessary to work with ActiveX controls in Visual Basic. If you have any problems with ActiveX controls in Visual Basic check if msjava.dll is present on your operating system. Note: msjava.dll is normally distributed with Microsoft Internet Explorer. [PSP00027152]
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SpeechMagic and SpeechMike are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
© 1994-2007 Philips Speech Recognition Systems GmbH. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.